Book Andrea for a workshop or speaking gig

"No matter what challenges you face, you have what it takes to live your most fulfilling life."

Andrea's messages of resilience and thriving through adversity are timeless and more relevant now than ever.

Book Andrea to Speak at Your Next Event
Andrea Mastrobattista's Bio


Each of these transformational presentations, which are focused on building resilience with the goal of living life to the fullest, can be given as a keynote or workshop.

Flip Your Script

Mastering Positive Self Talk

As humans, we tend to be self-critical, dwell on the negative and focus on what we don't want. This habit is detrimental to your overall health. At this workshop, you'll:

  • Learn the psychology behind negative and positive self-talk
  • Practice re-framing the way you talk to and about yourself
  • Discover how you can re-focus your thoughts onto what you truly want

Knocked Down, But Not Out

Cultivating Resilience

Andrea takes you on her nearly five-year journey, sharing how she's thriving through the ups and downs of healing a stage IV pressure ulcer. You'll discover how to:

  • Ask for help without feeling weak or embarrassed
  • Allow challenges to fuel your energy
  • Develop a healthy mindset so you can handle challenges like a champion

Turn Weaknesses Into Superpowers

Thriving Through Adversity

Your weaknesses don't have to be your downfall. They can become your greatest triumph. Discover how to transform your shortcomings into your strengths so that, when adversity strikes, you don't just survive ... You THRIVE!  At this keynote /workshop, you'll:

  • Remove shame by redefining what a weakness truly is
  • Learn how to look at adversity through the lens of opportunity
  • Know what it feels like to go from powerless to empowered

Living Beyond Limits

Creating Your Most Fulfilling Life

Are you beaten down by everything that's keeping you from living the life you want? Well, you don't have to be. You have what it takes to break free from whatever's holding you back so you can create and live your most fulfilling life.

  • Identify what's limiting you and figure out how to move beyond it
  • Define what a fulfilling life means to you
  • Discover and harness your specific innate abilities that empower you to live life to the fullest

Design Your LifeĀ Digital Vision Board Workshop

Create and Live the Life You Want

Learn a quick, easy and fun way to create an on-line vision board with intention that will give you clarity and results. You'll get:

  • A walkthrough of all the tools and functionality you need to create a vision board
  • An overview of the types of vision boards you can make
  • Hands-on experience as you create your vision board during the workshop
  • Helpful hints and hacks to keep you focused on your vision board and the goals you want to achieve
  • A collaborative, supportive environment where the workshop participants share ideas for vision board creation
Book Andrea for your next event


Video clips of Andrea's speaking engagements and podcast appearances, speaking on such topics as resilience, turning your weaknesses into your superpowers and living life to the fullest, even in the face of adversity.


Start the Conversation . . .

My goal is to always exceed your expectations as you're planning your event. If you're interested in working with me, please fill out the form to start the conversation. I look forward to it!

Reach me on social media